October 6, 2024
Spirits and Divine Forces
I’ve got the God-eye and shit,
he said in his ashwagandha t-shirt.
His tatted friend nodded. I veered
off on a side trail but not
before I heard him try to explain it:
how time, for him, stretched out
in all directions, his mind a searchlight.
I would never confess to such talent,
afraid to be asked to predict
elections, the stock market,
the next mass shooting. The God-eye guy looked
ordinary, but
off a fresco, how to recognize a prophet?
Not by his flickering, a residual bit
of the weekend’s solar flare, no doubt.
For days, my challenge has been to separate
hemlocks from Doug firs and white
pines. Grant me no more insight than that.
Devon Balwit walks in all weather and never passes up a botanical garden or a natural history museum. When not writing, she draws and cartoons. She edits for Asimov Press and Asterisk. For more of her work, visit: