May 1, 2023
“You’d think it was a giant
with a vague face
a face you recognize
but can’t really describe”
- Naomi Shihab Nye
it’s like a little parasite
that you don’t mind
so parasite might not be the right word
maybe symbiote
that’s one of the things it does
makes you think one thing
that leads to another thing
and soon the meadow is full
of flowers—all of them talking
at one time—writing their ideas
on petals—flinging their words
in the air—saying look—look—look
and you look and you smile and you cry
and you grieve and you grow nostalgic
that’s why you love your little symbiote
even when it wakes you at 2AM
to whisper something beautiful
in your ear
Terry Jude Miller is a Pushcart-nominated poet from Houston. His works have been published in numerous anthologies.
Twitter: @PoetTerryMiller
IG: TexasPoet
Website: https://terryjudemiller.com